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Over the past few weeks, Treescape Australia’s Heavy Commercial division have been working hard on the 2019 Dead and Dangerous Tree Removal Package on behalf of the ACT government.

This package of works have seen the crew remove approximately 250 large trees from the streets and open spaces around Canberra.

Of those 250 trees, 6 where selected by Darren Le Roux (senior project manager for the ACT Parks and Conservation Service) to be salvaged and resurrected as vertical habitat for the Box Gum Grassy Woodlands restoration in the Molonglo River Reserve.

These trees will provide habitat and hollows to support various threatened fauna species such as the little eagle, superb parrots, tree creepers and swift parrots.

The crew, comprising of Josh Cole, Jordan Tukapua, Corbin Tattersall, Jason McMahon and John Wiwarena; were tasked with the challenge of carefully reducing the size of these large trees before carefully lifting and stacking them onto a truck with a 60 tonne crane.

The crew, along with the assistance of Capital Cranes and Specialized Towing were able to salvage and transport in excess of 40 tonnes of material that will be resurrected as habitat structures and sculptures within the Molongolo River Reserve.

Amazing how we can reuse tree’s for conservation to provide habitat to our wildlife. This project helped re-establish areas where fires completely destroyed all vegetation and under-story. Such a wonderful project to be a part of, great way to recycle trees in poor condition.