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Greenslopes Greener Suburbs

Treescape in partnership with Brisbane City Council worked together on a community planting event successfully ran in October in Greenslopes.

Facts and Figures

There was a mixture of native species planted along the streets and the Lord Mayor with the local Councillor planted 3 significant Elaeocarpus Obovatus (Hard Quandong) in the local park for greater shade coverage.

In total, 166 trees were planted on the day by 104 residents including children who signed on to help with the planting in the area. Several residents staying around for the entertainment put on by Green Heart who works to promote shading of urban areas with Brisbane City Council.

It is always fun

There were a lot of activities run by Green Heart for community after the planting with their friends and families, such as games for the kids, music and a reptile display.

Massive thanks to the Treescape staff and crew who turned up Sunday morning to make this event a success!